Data available from MHCC
MHCC collects data directly from health care facilities and insurance companies, and requests and maintains data from quality reporting organizations, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, and Maryland and Washington DC Hospitals. The table below outlines data commonly available for release from the MHCC and provides links to request these data.
Public Use Files (PUF): The MHCC administers surveys that collect and maintain information on non-acute care services provided in Maryland. The person requesting the data should fill out the data request form and indicate the type of data requested. The data is available after the collection is complete and the data has been reviewed and edited in consultation with the health facility. This process can take up to a year after the survey year, i.e., the data for the current year would not be publicly available until the next year. The majority of surveys are based on calendar year facility information with the exception that financial information may be reported on a fiscal year depending on the reporting entity. Click the “PUF Form” link to download data.
Research Identifiable Files and Limited Data Sets: MHCC maintains several healthcare databases that provide detailed health care information. Currently, the Medical Care Data Base and Washington DC Hospital Discharge data are available for release and described below. Follow the links to their individual pages for details about the application and review process.
Data Available |
Years Available |
How to Request Data? |
Nursing Home Family Experience of Care Survey MHCC collects data from all Maryland nursing homes with one or more residents that had a 100 day stay or longer. Data was collected from responsible parties of residents which assessed five domains of residents’ life and care: 1) staff and administration of the nursing home; 2) care provided to residents; 3) food and meals; 4) autonomy and residents’ rights; and 5) physical aspects of the nursing home. |
2023 |
To download public use file, click on this link PUF Form Contact with any questions |
Long Term Care Survey MHCC Collects annual surveys from Maryland Nursing Homes, Assisted Living, Adult Day Care, and Chronic Hospitals. This survey includes data on facility details, and patient demographics, cost and utilization |
2003-2021 |
To download public use file, click on this link PUF Form Contact with any questions |
Home Health Agency Survey MHCC collects annual surveys from Maryland Home Health Agencies. This survey includes data on agency details, and patient demographics, cost, and utilization. |
2004-2021 |
To download public use file, click on this link PUF Form Contact with any questions |
Hospice Survey MHCC collects annual surveys from Maryland Hospices. This survey includes data on agency details, and patient demographics, cost, and utilization. |
2003-2022 |
To download public use file, click on this link PUF Form Contact with any questions |
Ambulatory Surgery Survey MHCC collects annual surveys from Maryland Ambulatory Surgery Centers. This survey includes data on agency details, and patient demographics, cost, and utilization. |
2003-2023 |
To download public use file, click on this link PUF Form Contact with any questions |
Research Identifiable Files and Limited Data Sets
Maryland Medical Care Data Base The MCDB contains only privately fully-insured and self-insured non-ERISA health insurance plans for Maryland and Non-Maryland residents. |
2010-2022 |
MCDB Application Contact with any questions |
Washington DC Hospital Discharge Data The DC Discharge data contains discharge data from DC hospitals. |
MHCC is now accepting D.C. Inpatient Discharge Data Request for CON and Health Planning purposes Only. |
For any questions about Data Release, please send an email to