State Health Plan
10.24.16: Home Health Agency Services
Utilization Tables
Listing of All Home Health Utilization Tables and Technical Notes
The same tables are generated annually. For Fiscal Year 2018 we provided technical notes to replace footnotes and will continue to do so each year. To download any table from any year and the technical notes, please click on the link below and select Home Health from the drop down list and provide a small amount of information about your needs and you will then be directed to all available Home Health data downloads.
Home Health Utilization Tables and Agency Data Collection (PUBLIC USE DATA)
Guidelines 2022 Home Health Agency Certificate of Need Review
MARYLAND HEALTH CARE COMMISSION Notice of Acquisition / Transfer of Ownership Interest of a Home Health Agency
Starting a Home Care Business in Maryland
In Maryland, there are different license classifications for different types of home care businesses. The types of services and clients proposed to be served will dictate the type of home care license you would need to seek for your home care business.
The Maryland Health Care Commission (MHCC) has regulatory authority through its Certificate of Need (CON) program for only one type of home care license, the Home Health Agency (HHA) license. If one is interested in providing intermittent skilled nursing services, home health aides, and therapies (physical, occupational and speech/hearing therapies), then the HHA license and applicable state licensing regulations (found under COMAR 10.07.10) must be met. CON approval is required before seeking an HHA license. (Refer to the MHCC website regarding its CON review process and regulations, as well as link to the HHA Chapter of the State Health Plan.)
Another type of home care business, offering no more than two types of home care services, is the Residential Services Agency (RSA) license, with state licensing requirements found under COMAR 10.07.05. MHCC has no regulatory authority for the RSA license, meaning that a CON is not required prior to seeking an RSA license.
For a better understanding of the differences/similarities between the HHA and RSA licenses, please refer to the "RSA Fact Sheet" to help guide your decision for seeking an HHA or RSA license.
Request for Public Comments