MHCC   Request for Public Comment  

Request for Informal Public Comment

COMAR 10.25.07 and COMAR 10.25.18 

The Maryland Health Care Commission seeks feedback on certain provisions to an informal draft version of amendments to COMAR 10.25.18, Health Information Exchanges: Privacy and Security of Protected Health Information and COMAR 10.25.07 Certification of Electronic Health Networks and Medical Care Electronic Claims Clearinghouses. The draft amendments focus on legislation passed by the Maryland General Assembly during the 2021 and 2022 legislative sessions.

Informal Draft Amendments to COMAR 10.25.07, Certification of Electronic Health Networks and Medical Care Electronic Claims Clearinghouses - For Informal Public Comment

Informal Draft Amendments to COMAR 10.25.18, Health Information Exchanges: Privacy and Security of Protected Health Information - For Informal Public Comment

When submitting written comments, it is important to begin each comment in your letter adhering to the COMAR Codification System. Comments should not be embedded in an email; rather, submitted as an attachment in an email to Respondents are encouraged to submit comments by close of business on May 29, 2024. The MHCC cannot ensure that comments received after the due date will be considered. 

For questions, please contact Anna Gribble at

Last Updated: 7/10/2024