Health Care Facility Services   Trauma  

Maryland Trauma Physician Services Fund

ATTENTION:  Effective November 30, 2024, Luminare Health, our current Third-Party Claims Administrator (TPA), will no longer process Uncompensated Care Claims (UCC) for the Maryland Trauma Physicians Services Fund, which is administered by the Maryland Health Care Commission (MHCC). Click here to read more.

The Maryland Trauma Physician Services Fund provides payments to offset the costs of uncompensated and undercompensated medical care provided by trauma physicians to patients at Maryland's designated trauma centers; stipends to trauma centers to offset the trauma centers' on-call and standby expenses; and grant funding to trauma centers for certain equipment. The Fund is financed by a $13 surcharge on motor vehicle registrations.

Legislation affecting the Trauma Fund 

HB 200 (Ch.101) Budget Bill (Fiscal Year 2024), 2023, Section 19, Item 56 page 292, $9.5 Million Distribution Criteria for Trauma Centers

SB 493/Chapter 342, HB 675/Chapter 341 – Commission to Study Trauma Center Funding in Maryland 

The Maryland Health Care Commission and the Health Services Cost Review Commission annually report to the Maryland General Assembly on the status of the Trauma Fund.

Trauma Fund Forms and Tools

Equipment Grant Application

Stand by Application 

Maryland Trauma Fund Annual Reconciliation Report (No refund will be accepted without this form)

CMS 1500 Forms  (example)

Trauma On-Call Application 

Trauma Fund Manual 

Rate Table

Trauma Physician Specialty for January through June 2024 (PDF)

Please direct questions, comments, or concerns to Bridget Zombro, Trauma Consultant at, 410-764-3233; or to Maxine Traynham by email at, or by telephone at 410-764-3780.

Last Updated: 11/27/2024