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Health Information Exchange Policy Board

The Maryland Health Care Commission (MHCC) began the process of planning for a statewide health information exchange (HIE) by engaging numerous stakeholders to address fundamental policy issues and to plan a course of action.  The MHCC has published a number of major policy reports based on these consensus-building deliberations (see Health IT Policy Reports).  The statewide HIE supports high quality, safe, and effective health care; makes certain that data is exchanged privately and securely; ensures transparency and stakeholder inclusion; supports connectivity regionally and nationally; achieves financial sustainability; and serves as the foundation for transforming health care in Maryland.

Subsequent to a nine-month planning project, in 2009, MHCC selected the Chesapeake Regional Information System for our Patients (CRISP), a non-profit organization, to build the statewide HIE following a competitive application process.  This multi-stakeholder group, CRISP, consists of Johns Hopkins Medicine, MedStar Health, University of Maryland Medical System, Erickson Retirement Communities, and more than two dozen other stakeholder groups.  In August 2009, the Health Services Cost Review Commission awarded $10 million through its unique all-payer rate setting system as initial funding of the statewide HIE.

On May 19, 2011, House Bill 784, Medical Records – Health Information Exchanges (HB 784) was signed into law.  This law stipulates that MHCC will adopt regulations for the privacy and security of protected health information (PHI) exchanged through all HIEs in the state.  The MHCC assembled an HIE Policy Board (Policy Board), an advisory group, in 2009 to: 1 ) maximize the benefit of HIE for health care consumers and providers, 2) mitigate potential privacy and security concerns for consumers, 3) promote consumer control over the use of and access to consumer health information, to the extent technically feasible, 4) support current law, 5) minimize overall costs to the health care system, and 6) facilitate public health and appropriate research uses.  The Policy Board members were selected based upon their expertise, breadth of stakeholder representation, and a strong consumer background. The Policy Board advises MHCC staff on the policies regarding the privacy and security of protected health information exchanged through an HIE operating in the State. 

Role of the Policy Board

The responsibilities of this Policy Board include, although they are not limited to, the development and recommendation of policies for privacy and security of PHI exchanged through an HIE operating in Maryland.  The MHCC will consider the recommendations of the Policy Board and adopt regulations for HIEs to implement. In particular, the Policy Board will establish policies regarding consumer authorization and consent, user authentication, role-based authorization, security requirements, and audit trail requirements. The Policy Board will develop policies that ensure a high level of privacy and security protections for HIEs in Maryland.

HIE Policy Board Operating Guidelines

HIE Policy Board Principles

Schedule of Public Meetings

April 26, 2022:  Recording, Attendee List

March 29, 2022:  RecordingAttendee List

February 18, 2022:  Recording, Attendee List

January 10, 2022:  RecordingAttendee List 

December 9, 2021:  Recording, Attendee List 

October 28, 2021:  Recording, Attendee List

September 30, 2021:  RecordingPresentation, Attendee List

HIE Lunch & Learn Webinar

The HIE Lunch & Learn Webinar, held on August 9, 2018, provided an overview of the history, purpose, and operations of the Health Information Exchange (HIE) Policy Board. The webinar also presented an update on services offered by the Chesapeake Regional Information System for our Patients (CRISP). 

HIE Lunch & Learn Webinar Slides


For more information, contact Anna Gribble by phone 410-764-3379 or email at



Last Updated: 11/26/2024