Interstate Telehealth Expansion Study - Summary of Recommendations (September 2023)
A high-level summary of recommendations and supporting rationale to advance interstate telehealth informed by a study requested by the Health and Government Operations Committee.
Interstate Telehealth Expansion Study Report (September 2023)
Recommendations based on findings from an interstate telehealth expansion study requested by the Health and Government Operations Committee in May 2022.
Preserve Telehealth Access Act of 2021 - Summary of Recommendations (January 2023)
A high-level, one-page summary of telehealth recommendations and supporting rationale submitted to the Senate Finance Committee and the House Health and Government Operations Committee as required by Chapter 70/House Bill 123 and Chapter 71/Senate Bill 3 (2021).
Preserve Telehealth Act of 2021 - Telehealth Recommendations
Telehealth recommendations based on findings from a telehealth study as required by Chapter 70/House Bill 123 and Chapter 71/Senate Bill 3 (2021).
Telehealth Policy Workgroup (2020-2021)
The MHCC convened a Telehealth Policy Workgroup (workgroup) representing a variety of stakeholder perspectives and interests. Workgroup discussions centered on six changes in telehealth policy implemented in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency. The report includes information on the evolving telehealth landscape in Maryland and the nation, and leading observations from the workgroup.
Telehealth Grants 2018-2019 Compilation (December 2020)
The MHCC awarded a telehealth grant in April 2018 to the University of Maryland Quality Care Network (UMQCN) and another in January 2019 to Charles County Public Schools (CCPS). The UMQCN implemented telehealth to optimize medication management and reconciliation with the goals of minimizing adverse drug events and improving care coordination and health outcomes for high-risk patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. CCPS implemented teletherapy to increase access to speech-language pathologists and ensure that students received special education and related services as federally mandated.
School-Based Telehealth Final Report (October 2019)
School-Based Teleheatlh Interim Report (January 2019)
During the 2018 legislative
session, the Senate Finance Committee requested MHCC convene a workgroup to
identify deficiencies in existing policies related to school-based telehealth
programs, and develop an approach for improving these policies, which may be
statutory, regulatory or technical in nature. The MHCC provided an
interim report on the workgroup progress in January of 2019. A final report was submitted in October 2019
that included recommendations for advancing telehealth in schools centered on
awareness building, privacy and security, oversight and innovation, and
Advancing Population Health and Primary Care Transofrmation via Telehealth: A Compilation of 2015 & 2016 Telehealth Grant Final Report (March 2018)
The MHCC awarded telehealth grants to five organizations in December 2015 and June 2016 to assess the use of teleheatlh to support population health and primary care practice transformation. The five awardees were Associated Black Charities; Gerald Family Care, LLC; Union Hospital Cecil County; MedPeds, LLC; and Gilchrist Greater Living. Telehealth services were provided to patients in a variety of settings, including primary care practices, patient homes, and community centers. This report provides information on the project implementation, data collection, outcomes, challenges, solutions, lessons learned, and sustainability plans for the grantees’ telehealth projects. Lessons learned include: 1) successful telehealth requires practices to assess the need for telehealth, identify an appropriate modality, and ensure sufficient patient and provider willingness to engage in telehealth; 2) telehealth is generally an effective care delivery method where a multi-disciplinary team can deliver comprehensive patient care; and 3) telehealth reduced barriers to care for patients typically considered reluctant to adopt/accept telehealth services (e.g., the elderly and those with behavioral health conditions).
Adoption of Telehealth - Office-Based Physicians (April 2018)
In the fall of 2017, MHCC conducted an environmental scan of office-based physicians to assess telehealth diffusion. This information brief highlights key findings from the assessment, including current trends, leading barriers, and adoption by specialty and geography.