Advance Directives Information Sheet - Communications Toolkit

State law requires the Maryland Health Care Commission (MHCC) to coordinate the accessibility of electronic advance care planning documents in the State. This Communications Toolkit includes information and resources to help inform Marylanders about the benefits of advance care planning to guide future health care decisions.
Advance Directives Information Sheet
Developed in coordination with the Maryland Department of Health and the Office of the Attorney General, the Advance Directives Information Sheet highlights advance care planning and pathways to create, share, and update an advance directive. Includes certain content required by law (Maryland Health General § 5-615).
Two versions – options 1 and 2 – include the same content, just presented in slightly different formats. Both versions are available in color and black and white.
Promoting the Information Sheet – SAMPLE LANGUAGE
The following language may be used when promoting the Advance Directives Information Sheet (website, newsletter, email, etc.).
Everyone over the age of 18 should think about their values and treatment preferences to guide future medical decisions about their care. This includes appointing a health care agent. Start the conversation with loved ones and treating providers – open, honest, and proactive advance care planning conversations that occur before hospitalization or serious illness help ensure you get the care you want. Refer to the Advance Directives Information Sheet to learn more about the value of advance care planning and options for documenting personal treatment preferences in an electronic advance directive.
Public Service Announcement
A message from Kurt Schmoke, President of the University of Baltimore and former mayor of Baltimore City, about the value of advance care planning
Related Resources
You can help share the Advance Directives Information Sheet and related resources by:
- Linking to them on your organizational website
- Sharing them through social media posts, online newsletters, or email campaigns
- Printing and distributing them to patients and caregivers, clients, employees, etc.
- Displaying printed copies in high traffic areas like waiting rooms, elevators, dining areas, and other locations
Note: The Advance Directives Information Sheet and related resources are in the public domain and may be copied and distributed without permission. For version control purposes, please link to the URLs provided rather than uploading them as PDFs to your website. This will prevent you from needing to monitor for updates.
Social Media
Sample messaging for the Advance Directives Information Sheet and related resources. Click on the images to download.png files.
A medical crisis can happen at any age, which is why everyone over 18 is encouraged to plan ahead and think about what treatment they would or wouldn’t want before a medical crisis occurs. Learn more about advance care planning and how to document your medical treatment preferences at:

Are you providing care for a family member, friend, or client? Help them plan ahead by documenting their treatment preferences in an advance directive. Learn more:

Is your advance directive locked away in a file cabinet? When was the last time it was reviewed and updated? Electronic advance directives can be updated and shared with treating health care providers. Learn more:

Who do you trust to help guide your treatment in the event of a mental health crisis? A health care agent can speak on your behalf if you’re unable to make decisions for yourself. Learn more about mental health advance directives: Health Advance Directives flyer.pdf