Health Care Facility Services

The Center for Health Care Facilities Planning and Development develops plans for the supply and distribution of health care facilities and services and regulates the supply and distribution of facilities and services through Certificate of Need and related oversight programs.

  • Is responsible for the development and updating of the State Health Plan, a body of regulation that establishes criteria and standards for considering the need, costs and effectiveness, impact, and viability of health care facility capital projects.
  • Collects information on health care facility service capacity and use. Annual data sets on the service capacity of general and special hospitals, freestanding ambulatory surgical facilities, nursing homes, home health agencies, hospices, assisted living facilities, and adult day care facilities are developed. The Center also obtains hospital registry data bases on cardiac surgery, cardiac catheterization, and percutaneous coronary intervention for use in regulatory oversight of these services.
  • Administers the Certificate of Need, Certificate of Conformance, and Certificate of On-going Performance programs that regulate certain aspects of health care service delivery by health care facilities.

The Maryland Trauma Physician Services Fund provides stipends to Maryland's trauma centers for providing physician services on call, reimburses trauma physicians for care provided to indigent patients, and provides grants to the trauma centers for specialized equipment. This Fund is unique in the United States.

Last Updated: 4/17/2019